Kinsley’s Tigger sweatshirt/dress

Cause I am so easily talked into making adorable, snuggly clothes for small children, I present to you my birthday present for Kins this year:

2015-01-07 19.08.07 2015-01-07 19.07.53

I mean, how can you resist that grin?

Government work (designs and sewing for the king and queen)

Fabric project bags from last winter

little blind mouse

Next to the first fox for comparison. I really don’t know what I am going to dress it in, or how I am going to make its beady little eyes and whiskers.

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Also alternative use for the writing desk, replace the plexiglass with cooling rack and it’s a pretty perfect laptop desk.

Amazing fabric store in Toronto

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It was an amazing place… I think they are mostly left over sections from the fashion and home decorating industries. They are nearly all at least 60″ wide and in types I’ve never seen before in a fabric store. I bought some terry cloth, stretchy fleece that I hope to turn into either a pair of pants or a sweatshirt.

The place was so full of fabric that many of the aisles were just barely big enough to squeeze through. The fabric I wanted was near the ceiling so one of the helpful employees climbed up on top of the pile and grabbed it, knocking down a bunch more in the process. It was a magical place, not as cheap as sewphisticated (Around the same prices as Fabric Place Basement), but with somewhere around 10 times the amount and variety of sewphisticated. And all of it felt good quality fabric, not the stuff you find at JoAnn’s. The more and more I find places like this, the more I hate JoAnn’s and how it has put so many smaller fabric stores out of business. I wish more people sewed their own clothing so that there would be a larger demand for places like this.

There was also rooms and rooms of trim and leather.. So much amazingness all in one place. I’d definitely drive back up to Toronto just to go to this store and Lee Valley!

Course, now I need to actually do some sewing. I have like 10 projects that I have all the material for, but haven’t started… I also just signed up for a craftsy class on making your own wool swing coats, which I am very eager to try my hand at.

Sewing from the Toronto trip

I made a little leaf enclosure for a USB stick I wanted to send to Peter, I think it came out rather well. I’m tempted to make a great many more little leaves like these and sew them to things. this picture really shows the pattern stuck in my head of late.

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And I also made one of my little chickens and sent it to Peter’s aunt and uncle as thanks for letting us stay with them:

2013-11-08 22.28.41It’s pretty cute. I really need to make a bunch and fill them with rocks for pattern weights as they are a good size and they make me happy.

2013-11-09 20.08.07I also finished this Queen’s favor while I was waiting in the many lines that are a film festival. I also worked on a couching project:

2013-11-09 20.12.15


I am trying to get the purple outline out from the design so that it only shows the threads that have been overlaid and pinned down. I’m not sure what I’ll do with it, but it would make a cute cover for a notebook.