2015 goals

Crafting/Art – Document all projects as I start them. Try to do something creative at least 250 minutes a week. Draw something every day. Also write every day, preferably in a journal. Post to my blog at least once a week with my updates.

SCA – Have “respectable” feast gear. Have at least 1 outfit to wear in court that I am not ashamed of. Make a scribal portfolio. Enter at least 1 A&S competition. Teach 3 classes at various locations. Learn more metal working skills. Document what I make on my blog. Get to Craftsman status with Athena’s Thimble, try to become a senior member. Perhaps become an apprentice?

Cooking – Have fruit every day. Have veggies every day. Bring my lunch to work at least 4 days a week. Eat out no more than twice a week during normal situations.

Gardening/Farming – Harvest foods before they go to seed. Dry herbs for the winter. Can food for the winter. Keep the weeds down around the garden. Compost the chicken litter.

Building –  Organize all the tools and put up a peg board system.

Cleaning – Re-organize the pantry twice a year (once already done today), get my room to a manageable amount of stuff.

Fitness – Endurance: be able to run a mile without stopping in 10 minutes. Strength: get upper and lower body to 150 lb weight resistance. (Currently I’m at about 70) Go to gym 12+ times a month, ideally get 250 minutes of cardio a week.

Health – Weight – I suppose a better goal would be shape based, apparently hip to waist ratios for women should be lower than .85, and ideally around .7 (I am currently .9) I would also like a bust measurement of less than 44 inches.

2014 goals, reviewed.

Fitness – Endurance: be able to run a mile without stopping in 10 minutes. Strength: get upper and lower body to 100 lb weight resistance. (Currently I’m at about 40) Go to gym 12+ times a month, ideally get 250 minutes of cardio a week.

Review: This went ok, though fell apart around the middle of July. Current Strength: upper body 75 lb, lower body 65 lbs. Cardio. ha.. yeah, so about that middle of july statement. I did great the first half of the year, not so much the latter half. Though I do seem to still have a fair amount of the endurance I built up in the first half of the year.

Health – Pain – Record all medications taken, try to reduce pain medication by half.
Weight – In an ideal world, get weight to 150. Which would require losing a little over 4 pounds a month, which is unrealistic. I suppose a better goal would be shape based, apparently hip to waist ratios for women should be lower than .85, and ideally around .7 (I am currently .9) I would also like a bust measurement of less than 44 inches (which would mean I fit in most normal clothing brands)
Food – Try to record all food and or do an elimination diet for a little while to see if it helps with various pain/swelling issues.

Review Pain – I did not record all medication, though I seem to be taking a lot less pain medication. Weight – er, utter fail. Food – I spent most of the year following my edict of “bread and butter do not make a meal!” which I need to get back to. Also my snack box (pre-measured baggies of snacks, mostly high in protein nuts) has gone very well. Will continue. Have not done an elimination diet. Probably should. Really don’t want to.

Crafting/Art – Document all unfinished projects. Finish them. Document all projects as I start them. Try to do something creative at least 250 minutes a week. Draw something every day. Also write every day. Post to my blog every day about these things.

Review Ha. did not document *ANY* unfinished projects. But I did finish a few. I haven’t been good at documenting new projects either, though I have been pretty good at documenting progress. I think I have actually managed to do something creative at least 250 minutes a week. I also seem to be drawing nearly every day. Writing/blogging.. not so much.

Cooking – Make sausage. Make Kefir. Have fruit every day. Have veggies every day. Bring my lunch to work at least 4 days a week. Eat out no more than twice a week during normal situations.

Review We made sausage! We even ate it! and made it again! I also made Kefir, but didn’t drink it. Also kombacha, but did not drink it. I still fail at having veggies every day. Need to get them into my snack box somehow. I’ve been doing well bringing my lunch to work nearly every day, snack box has been helping with that. Eating out, well, if we don’t count take out… but yeah, we need to get back into the habit of cooking dinner.

Gardening/Farming – Start the seedlings early enough this time. Harvest foods before they go to seed. Dry herbs for the winter. Can food for the winter. Get 3-4 more chicks in the spring. Better automate the winter chicken situation. Weed/Cull the side gardens and work toward an intentional plan. Put in patio at the bottom of the stairs.

Review Seedlings were started! Some foods were harvested, but I did fail on this again. I need a better pest control system. I dried herbs for winter! I canned *nothing* this year :(, but I did get 4 more chickens! and now they are crowded and not laying.. sigh.. Failed on side gardens and patio.

Building – Build workbench in garage. Build shelves in the pantry. Build a box for my tools. Organize all the tools and put up a peg board.

Review There is a workbench in the garage! However everything else on this list I failed.

Cleaning – Re-organize the pantry, Remove 1/3 of my clothes from my closet/drawers, Donate/trash/use 1/4 of my stuff. no seriously. at least 1/4 of my stuff. Better organize the other 3/4ths and throw out more of it.

Review Pantry was reorganized. Need to do it again today, and probably every 6 months. Otherwise failed on the rest of this.

er, update I suppose

I’m a terrible person. I have been very lax in keeping this updated, partly because I’ve been working on top secret projects for friends so I couldn’t post about them, though now they are all revealed so I can share them!

Meanwhile general update:

Spoon – same. Though now I have the proper cabinet scrapper to do the bowl and a method of keeping it honed. I’ve also started working on a small bass wood one because I was bored and wanted to try out my new chisel. (oh my god, chisels are amazing!)

Pewter – I made a bunch of tiny hedgehogs for Thyra to give out as tokens at pennsic, and those went over well so she used my tiny hedgehogs for her guard token (!!) and had me make a larger hedgehog for tokens. The larger one is adorable. I’ll post both soon.

Embroidery – I made a panel for a AOA scroll box for my friend Gwen, using really high quality fabric and silk. It was a great project as it really made me learn how to do things properly. Also I made two adorable hedgehog roundels for Edward’s coronation present for Thyra.

Sewing – I made Thyra and Edward both hoods for pennsic. Then I’ve been working with The Worshipful Company of their Majesties’ Underwear, making garb for Edward and Thyra – mostly for coronation, but also other upcoming events like Crown. Cassandra has been teaching me a great deal about the art of doing things right the first time, which are the main sewing lessons I need. When we have a bit of downtime, she’s also going to help me make myself a fitted late period bodice with skirt so I can have more than 2 vaguely court appropriate garments. (Since I somehow got roped into retaining for Edward and Thyra, in which I’ve been having fun). She’s also promised to teach me fitting in general.

Brewing – nothing this fall yet, though I do have some wild honey from my friend’s hive I want to make into mead soon. Still haven’t been brave enough to try anything we bottled last year.

Cheese – We kinda forgot about the cheese in the fridge and now we are all afraid to open it.

Bread – I perfected a multi-grain bread over the summer, but then decided I needed less bread in my diet so I haven’t done much baking since.

Illumination – I made a scroll for my friend’s AOA! And now I’m going to be doing the illumination on a second one. I’ve also been working on a bunch of practice pieces to try out new techniques. Constance wants to get me into making scroll blanks for her, but I feel like I need more practice still, which is probably true, but I also need to just go for it and do them since one can practice forever but if you never actually do something all the practice is for not.